Instructions and Information regarding the ILLiad v9.0.3 Upgrade
Server to update: LOUIS ILLiad
Update to version: 9.0.3
Update Date/Time: April 30, 2019 - Morning
MUST do now, before the update:
The Release Notes state, “Your ILLiad server and all desktops that run the ILLiad client will need to update to .NET 4.6.2 framework or higher.
.NET Framework components are essential for ILLiad's operation. The .NET Framework is basically the foundation for how ILLiad operates and communicates. The biggest difference between the previous version 4.5.x and the new 4.6.x are the security protocol standards being used. According to Atlas Support, “Without the .NET Framework I don't think you'd be able to install ILLiad at all, depending on the version of Windows you're using and what service packs are installed. If the .NET Framework you have is outdated, 4.5.x or lower, you would probably be able to install ILL, but there's a whole plethora of issues you'd run into trying to send or receive requests because of those updated security protocols that are required/included by default in 4.6.2.”
Please contact your IT department TODAY - Ask them to update each ILLiad staff PC to .NET 4.6.2 framework or higher.
- Updating to .NET 4.6.2 now will not prevent you from using ILLiad (currently on v. 8.7.2).
- If you don’t update to .NET 4.6.2, you won’t be able to update to the new ILLiad v. 9.0.3 on April 30.
Important information:
During your update, the ILLiad patron web pages will be unavailable and all staff should be out of the ILLiad client. Please prepare for up to 4 hours of system downtime.
Question: Should staff clear and close all transactions before the update?
Answer: Not necessary. Just make sure that staff is out of the clients during the update.
Recommended reading for this update:
ILLiad 9 update FAQ:
ILLiad 9 Release Notes:
What to do after the upgrade is complete:
ILLiad 9.0 is a major release with multiple security protocols included in it.
The biggest thing with this update is that all staff will have to change their passwords when they first login after updating the client.
Due to the change in password hashing, once a staff user has changed their staff password, they will not be able to login to older client versions of ILLiad.
As far as the patron's experience goes, all patrons who are using ILLiad Authentication will also be prompted to change their password the first time they log into the webpages. Just in case someone is coming in via OpenURL that first time, I will add a FORMSTATE tag to the ChangePassword.html page so that they don't lose the citation information when they get directed to that page.
How to update each PC - - from v.8.7.2 all the way to v.9.0.3
- Download the v.9.0.1 installer
- Update the PC to v.9.0.1 by running the installer
- Create new password
- Update the PC to v.9.0.3 by running the installer again
Step-by-step instructions:
Download the v.9.0.1 installer
- ILLiad Downloads
- Right click the ILLiad client (which is currently on v. 8.7.2)
- Select: Run as Administrator
- Get prompt to Login.
- Enter current logon and password
- Get the message ‘You must update before the Client can be loaded’
- Click: OK
- Right click the v.9.0 installer (ILLiad9ClientSetup.exe)
- Select: Run as Administrator
- Accept defaults i.e. click: Next till you reach the screen for ‘Setup Type’
- Select: Custom
- Click: Next
- Click: Next to accept the location where it is installed by default
- Click: Next
- In screen: Select Features (features you want to install).
- Here uncheck the boxes for: Staff Manager, Customization Manager
- Note: Staff does not have access to them, even if you download them. It is easier to uncheck them here, otherwise after the update you will have to delete the icons from your PC.
- Click: Next to complete the Installation
- Click: Finish
Now your PC has been updated to ILLiad v. 9.0.1
Create new password
- Open the client again i.e. click on the ILLiad client icon
- Enter your current Logon and password.
- You will be prompted to enter a new password
- Once you enter the new password, you will be prompted to update to v.9.0.3.
- Click: Yes
- Accept defaults i.e. click: Next till you reach the screen for ‘Setup Type’
- Select: Custom
- Click: Next
- Click: Next to accept the location where it is installed by default
- Click: Next to reach screen for: Select Features (features you want to install).
- Here uncheck the boxes for: Staff Manager, Customization Manager
- Click: Next to start Installation
- In the ‘InstallShield Wizard Complete’ window
- Uncheck the box: Launch the SQL Atlas Manager (you don’t need to launch it now)
It should look like this i.e. a blank box:
- Click: Finish
Now your PC has been updated to ILLiad v. 9.0.3
- To start using it
- Right click on the ILLiad client
- Select: Run as Administrator
- Enter your NEW password
- your old password will not be recognized and if you enter it you will get prompt to change it]
Video provided by ATLAS Support, demonstrating the update from 8.7.2 all the way to 9.0.3
Update the PC to v.9.0.3 by running the installer again
To update multiple PCs for your staff, use the following workflow:
- Head of ILL downloads 9.0.1 Installer on the PC
- Head of ILL runs the staff PC as Administrator
- (If this is their first computer updated, use old password and get prompt to change to new password.)
- Head of ILL runs the 9.0.1 installer as Administrator.
- During the install, remember to uncheck boxes for: Staff Manager, Customization Manager
- Head of ILL runs new 9.0.1 staff client as Administrator
- Head of ILL enters Username/ new Password
- Head of ILL follows the prompts to update to v.9.0.3
- Staff person now can run the 9.0.3 client and enter their old password.
- Staff person is prompted to change their password
- Head of ILL goes to next PC and repeats steps 1 -6. (except now they will be using their new password in step 2.)
Barcode fonts:
The Release notes discuss changing barcode fonts after the update.
Atlas Support said, “This hasn't been needed on all machines. We're not sure why some computers need to have the barcode font re-installed after the update.
New barcode font available here:
Password expiration:
There are now 2 new options available for expiration of passwords:
StaffPasswordExpirationEnabled - if set to NO then Staff passwords never expire
StaffPasswordExpirationDays -if expiration is set to Yes, then this is the number of days before they expire
UserPasswordExpirationEnabled - if set to NO then User passwords never expire
UserPasswordExpirationDays -if expiration is set to Yes, then this is the number of days before they expire
By default both options are set to 180 for Password Expiration Days, and Expiration Enabled is set to Yes.
If you want the Staff or User password to NEVER expire, send in a Ticket requesting the change.
Question: Now that staff have new passwords, can they still check something like history, users, etc. in the old version of the client?
Answer: No need to leave any computers at an old version as the old version cannot be run after the server is updated by Support. Staff will still be able to see everything (users, transactions, history, etc.) in the new version.
Question: Customizations of Webpages (patron webpages). Will the customizations carry over?
Answer: The webpages are not changed as part of the update.
Question: What about Print Templates, has anything changed in the way printing should be done?
Answer: Printing works the same.
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