SirsiDynix: name of the company that makes Symphony, Workflows, BLUEcloud [xyz], Enterprise, MobileCirc, BookMyne, more
Workflows/Symphony/Enterprise/EDS: “LSP”
BLUEcloud Campus: the next generation LSP
Web services: a web-based mode of communication with the ILS
Unix: the operating system on which Symphony runs
Test/Production: try new things, conduct training, make mistakes on test system... not production!
Halt/Run: happens every night to pick up changed policies
Affordable Learning Terminology
Affordable Educational Resource (AER): A single or collection of required educational resources that may be offered at no or low cost to a student through a post-secondary education institution or an affiliated college bookstore at a pre-sales tax cost to a student that does not exceed an amount equal to four times the federal minimum wage. AER includes copyright-protected material purchased by a library and provided to a student at no cost.
Curriculum Driven Acquisitions (CDA): These projects identify, and add to the library's collection through purchase, eBooks that can be substituted for required course textbooks.
Evidence-Based Acquisitions (EBA): These projects identify collections which LOUIS purchases for a specified period of time and makes available to the LOUIS community. Libraries then make these collections available through their catalog and website. LOUIS then works with libraries to purchase individual titles based on usage.
Open educational resource (OER): Teaching, learning, or research resource that is in the public domain or has been released under an intellectual property license that permits the free use, adaptation, and redistribution of the resource by any person. The term may include full course curricula, course materials, modules, textbooks, media, assessments, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques, whether digital or otherwise, used to support access to knowledge.
Reuse: Reuse projects indicate that an eBook, open textbook, or OER previously adopted for course use has been used again for additional courses and/or semesters.
Round: Refers to the time period in which a project was funded
Electronic Resources Terminology
subscription - subscription databases consist of journals, magazines, reports, documents, newspapers, ebooks, and image collections. These resources are not available to the public and in most cases off-campus users have to authenticate to gain access.
core collection - Subscriptions that are available to all institutions that participate in electronic resources through LOUIS. Core collection subscription pricing reflects the negotiated cost for participation by all LOUIS member libraries.
EBSCOadmin - the EBSCO platform where users can customize their EBSCO interfaces by modifying search limiters and expanders, print options, linking options, local holdings information and more. This site is also where you users manage their full text finder links, run reports, and access Holdings Management.
EBSCOnet - is EBSCO's comprehensive subscription management platform, specifically designed to help you manage each step of the subscription life cycle.
Vendor Platform - a web site that allows library staff to run reports, modify branding, and create URLs. Not all vendors offer platforms and each one has different levels of services provided.
EZproxy - a web proxy server used by libraries to give access from outside the library's computer network to restricted-access websites that authenticate users by IP address.
Counter - the standard that enables the knowledge community to count the use of electronic resources. Known as the Code of Practice, the standard ensures vendors and publishers can provide their library customers with consistent, credible and comparable usage data.
SUSHI - An ANSI/NISO Standard that defines automated request and response model for harvesting e-resource usage data. Designed to work with COUNTER.
Embargo - a period during which access to academic journals is not allowed to users. It separates the most recent period, where only a title or abstract is available, from an older one, where the full text of the article is accessible.
Moving Wall - the time period between the last issue of an academic journal available in a online database and the most recently published print issue of a journal. It is specified by publishers in their license agreements with databases (like JSTOR), and generally ranges from several months to several years. The current year is not counted when calculating a moving wall. For example, if the license agreement states there is a 5-year moving wall, in 2020 the full text of the journal would only be available through 2014. Anything published between 2015 and 2020 would only display an abstract. In 2021 the 2015 full text would be available.
Discovery Terminology
EDS - EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) is an all-inclusive search solution that brings together the full text resources, library catalogs, ebooks, and indexes into one searchable knowledge base. The integrated search experience is achieved by compiling and indexing metadata from a variety of content sources into a unified pre-indexed search platform.
Enterprise - SirsiDynix's discovery solution. It provides users with a search interface for the discovery of both physical and electronic scholarly content.
Catalog database - a custom database found in EDS. Symphony catalog records are extracted and sent to EBSCO to update the catalog database for each LOUIS Symphony library. These are searchable in EDS.
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