June 24, 2021
Learn about how the PrepStep content can help you students succeed. PrepStep has dozens of Job and Career test prep like Praxis, NCLEX, Allied Health and many more so your students can be more prepared to take these certification test. With our core academic tutorials, practice sets, eBooks, and flashcards PrepStep can help you students get supplemental help to improve their skills in math, reading, writing and more. We also offer tutorials in “Student Success Skills” in topics like “Finding and Citing Sources”, “Communicating with your Professor”, “Taking Good Notes”, “Avoiding Plagiarism” and much more. So much more content to share and we hope you will join us for this training. We will also share how we can integrate with your LMS and Lib-guides to make it easier for your students to find the resources that are important to them. We will also share how we can create direct links to the content and using MARC records.
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