Mike Waugh
I'm a test end user.
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Recent activity by Mike Waugh Sort by recent activity-
Creating Pseudopatron account
A pseudopatron account is a Symphony user account that is not a real person, but is used to for special Symphony functions. Pseudopatron accounts provide some functions where items need to be proce...
No Results Found error in Enterprise
If you are finding that Enterprise is giving a No Results Found error on all searches, and you have access to Enterprise Admin, try the following. Login to the Admin console and go to Search Config...
System Administrators' Meeting - January 13, 2022
The LOUIS System Administrators Meeting was held on Thursday, January 13, 2022. The three hour meeting was held online. Meeting Recording:https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/XE8qcaRbl6UaJNYZXPpU8ku-r...